Annual MNA Reading, Watching, Listening List! 2022 Edition

Our yearly December MNA Member Call tradition is to collect books, articles, podcasts, resources, practices, memes, or anything else that inspired members throughout 2022, or at least made life a bit more enjoyable. We’ll post lists for the calls here.

Accelerator (Nonprofit Manager) Recommendations:


  • Atlas of the Heart | Brené Brown

  • Turn the Ship Around | L. David Marquet

  • Legacy | Suzanne Miso

  • The Age of Overwhelm | Laura van Dernoot Lipsky

  • Pedagogy of the Oppressed | Paulo Freire

  • Montana Racial Equity Project Book Club



Escape from Reality

  • Golden Girls

  • Wolf Books by Rick McIntyre

  • Find an opportunity to volunteer outside of your own organization to give back, fuel your passion, fill your cup, and fight burnout

  • Get creative!

  • Find an activity as time to reset

LOVE Rick McIntyre’s books!

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Do you have a favorite?

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Executive Director Recommendations:


  • Bossy Pants | Tina Fey


  • Brenee Brown Dare to Lead

Local Resources

New ED Member Call

Escape for a Minute

Local Network Leaders



For working moms: Happy as a Mother Podcast + Resources