MNA Early Career Cohort Member Call
This is a thread for members of the Early Career Member Call. In addition to sharing resources in this space, the group meets monthly on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 9am. You can register to attend this free member call here.
The purpose of these calls is to have a regular opportunity for connection and networking with others across the state who are also in the first few years of their nonprofit career, to have a community for knowledge and resources to be shared, for creative brainstorming, and bouncing ideas off of peers. I will also curate a calendar of topics that we will touch on in each months call, based on requests and interests mentioned in the group.
Call Topic Calendar: (subject to change based on needs/requests!)
January - Introductions, What is the group interested in talking about this year??
February - Knowing what you don’t know - What should new nonprofit employees and board members know?
March - How to be more resilient to burnout
April - Tools for volunteer recruitment and management
May - TBD