Managers + Directors Member Calls: Accelerator Group

Are you a program, operations, or staff manager or director? Do you manage people or programs? Join our monthly MNA Member Calls built just for you, to talk about all things management. From delegating to conflict management, planning tools to performance evaluation, this monthly group is a spot to connect with other managers, share what’s working and what’s challenging, and explore new ideas.

First Thursday of the Month at 10:00 AM
Register Here

2024 Calendar to be posted

March Resources:

Managing Up + Across

  • The Management Center’s Hub for Managing Up + Sideways

  • Before giving feedback, use phrase “Permission to give feedback”

  • Figuring out the right way to bring up ideas that align with other’s communication styles and needs - email first? Verbal? In a group? 1:1? Identify the way in which new information will be received best by others.

  • Leverage delegated authority from your team to help approach managing across with confidence

What other strategies are helpful when it comes to delegating out or up?

June | Working + Collaborating in Hybrid Teams

What psychological safety looks like in a hybrid workplace from HBR.

Collaboration Tools:



*Microsoft Planner

Communication Norm Setting Tool

Provide incentives to help keep staff engaged and involved and communicate proactively. One strategy is inviting staff to board meetings, so they try to stay “in the loop.” This might not work for all organizations, or may not be the best strategy, but what other ways can you encourage/incentivize staff staying in touch with one another?

We also discussed relationship building and the importance of time together to build trust. Open teams chat and informal spaces to connect. Dedicated team time in person or online during work hours. How can we celebrate our own and other’s wins and recognize work when it is not as visible?

Finally - noting how all of this has to shift based on team dynamics and changes in work flows. You may establish a great system for building trust and communication and managing performance that works well for six months, then stops working so well. Great managers can step in and address and adjust from there.

What other methods work to manage hybrid teams?

August Meeting

  • YSEALI - consider if it might be a good fit for your organization.

  • Remote Supervision - how are folks managing it? How are they managing to stay connecting? How are they conducting remote onboarding?

Strong collaboration softwares - Teams; Slack;

Strategies - Having “just for fun” channels; “Huddle” practice - start of day quick meeting. It’s run well when it involves collaboration rather than information. Asking “What can I help you with today?” - NOT a way to keep tabs, an opportunity to build collaboration.

Needing a dedicated workspace for remote employees. Include office setup in budget.

How to build trust with onboarding activities or remote employees?

  • Using Retreats

  • Non-work check-in opportunities

How do we build communication agreement/expectations?

April 2024 | Compensation Equity and Advocacy

  • Check out the Compensation Equity blog posted earlier this year – share your thoughts, ideas, feelings on how to advocate for equitable and transparent pay

  • Make sure your organization has taken the 2024 Wage and Compensation Survey – closes April 12th!

    • Need: 30 minutes from someone with access to payroll
    • Get: FREE copy of the report when it is released later this spring, a $75 value
  • Take the 2024 Regional Capacity Survey – closes in May!

    • Need: 30 minutes from your ED, Staff Lead, or Board member
    • Get: FREE copy of your capacity and how it stacks up against others PLUS sweet data to share with funders about your needs

We also talked about cross training and how important it is to build competency across the team so folks can take time off. Here is the list of things (paraphrased a bit) folks named as priorities for cross training in their organization…what are yours?

  • Newsletters

*Grant management/tracking/reporting/compliance/requirements (x3)

  • Technical Assistance/Client Services/Database management - how to pass along the library of knowledge and track x2

  • Payroll (x5)

  • Board Activities

  • Policy Work

  • Supervision (longer term vacancies)

  • List item