Introduce Yourself!

Are you new here? Introduce yourself! Tell us who you are, where you’re from, the nonprofit you represent, and one thing you’re terrible at. (all questions optional :slight_smile: )

I’ll go first. :upside_down_face:

I’m Kate Arpin, Digital Platforms Specialist for MNA. I’m from Twin Bridges, MT (shoutout to any Falcons in the audience).

Something I’m terrible at: Cartwheels.


Hello, I am Lisa Fried de Reyes, ED with Sanders County Community Housing. One thing I am terrible at is making pancakes. The sad thing is that I keep trying.


Welcome Lisa! I’ve given up on cartwheels :woman_cartwheeling: but you should definitely keep attempting pancakes!

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Hello :wave: I’m Jen Boyer, Operations Coordinator with the Foundation for Community Care in Sidney, MT.

Well - there are a lot of things I wish I was better at but I am definitely terrible at skiing (but I love the view).

Liking this platform. I already have some ideas of what I could post!


Welcome Jen! As long as you keep skiing, that’s what matters! Not a ton of opportunities to practice in Sidney though :laughing:.

Can’t wait to read what you have to add to this forum, thanks for joining us!


Hi everyone, we are so glad to have you here!

I’m Tylyn, I’m the membership manager here at MNA, I grew up in Denton but now live in Helena by way of Missoula. One thing I’m terrible at is keeping my mouth shut - I’ve tried to be quiet and mysterious and fail nearly immediately every time :sweat_smile:


Hi everyone! Really glad to meet you in this space. I’m Adam, the Associate Director at MNA. I live just south of Helena right now, but I grew up in Big Sandy - a lot of small town roots from the staff here at MNA.

I am quite terrible at drawing – in any way, shape or form. Stick people from me, all the way.


Hi there - I’m Liz, Executive Director with MNA. I’m looking forward to the conversation here! I’m from eastern MT (Miles City and Cohagen, specifically) but have lived in Helena since the mid-80s.

What I’m terrible at? Watching the time and getting paperwork done!!! I’d rather be humming a tune, snapping photos, reading a book, … really almost anything!

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Hello! I’m Leandra Lipson, MNA’s Communications & Resource Development Director. I currently call Helena home and I’m terrible at too many things to count. But, I’m learning to love myself anyway. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Shelby here, professional and organizational development director at MNA! I great up in Darby, MT, and now live in Helena, MT.

One thing I’m terrible at? Following recipes. I try so hard, and still end up substituting, following my heart, or just ignoring key instructions. I wish I could say it lead to better meals but, alas, it definitely does not.

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Hello! I’m Jody Seibert and I’m accountant working with several nonprofits, some in Bozeman. I’m terrible at singing. You would pay me not to sing.


Ha, Jody, I can’t carry a tune to save my life. You know its bad when your kids, who are little - 4 & 6, ask you to be quiet!


Hi, my name is GG Waldburger, I’m the brand new Finance Manager at Family Outreach, an organization that assists developmentally disabled folk in home, the workplace and in the community in SW MT. I’m based in Helena. I’ve worked in the numbers world most of my career, but this is my first foray into the nonprofit world.

I’m not an original Montanan, but came here 7 years ago purely because we love everything about Montana. Except the grasshoppers. :cricket: Especially the grasshoppers. :laughing:

Former gymnast, so cartwheels are fun and I’ve got a great pancake recipe. The rest of the terribles I’ll agree with and add another, I’m terrible at housework.

Looking forward to learning from and contributing to this forum.


Welcome GG! Glad to have you here! (and also please post that pancake recipe :blush:)

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Hope you sing anyway!!

I am Scott Wolff. I am the Workforce Education Development Director for the Great Falls Area Chamber of Commerce, and concurrently the Executive Director for Central Montana Works! One thing I am terrible at? Sugar-coating anything… :expressionless:


Hi All! :wave: I’m Cassidy Green, Administrative Manager at Home ReSource in Missoula! :recycle:
I am originally from Idaho Falls, ID but have lived in Missoula for over 20 years now.
I am terrible at starting and/or carrying a conversation with a complete stranger. No matter how many times I try the awkwardness creeps out every time. :joy:


Welcome, Scott! Glad you’re here!
I also find myself struggling to sugar coat anything (and I also have a pretty poor poker face - not a great combination!)